Oz Tukka
Oz Macadamia Nut Oil 250ml
Oz Macadamia Nut Oil 250ml
Oz Tukka’s golden coloured Macadamia Nut Oil, with its exquisite sweet nutty flavour, makes one of the world’s finest and most versatile oils. Macadamia nut oil is excellent for pan or stir fries, in salad dressings, in cakes or bread or just drizzled over your pasta or baked food.
Oz Tukka macadamia nut oil is cold pressed with no further refining processes.
Ingredients: 100% Macadamia Nut Oil.
Rainforest Oil is a blend of sweet Macadamia Oil with the strong citral Lemon Myrtle Oil and a dash of the pungent ginger oil. The blend makes a most refreshing tasting oil suitable for chicken, fish and Asian style cooking. It gives an uplifting touch to salads or just drizzled over cooked vegetables.
Ingredients: Cold-pressed macadamia oil, Lemon Myrtle extract and ginger extract.